Network orchestration for dynamic network slicing for fixed and mobile vertical services. Alvizu, R., Troia, S., Nguyen, V., Maier, G., & Pattavina, A. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, volume Part F84-O, 2018.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
© OSA 2018. We demonstrate how a hybrid and hierarchical transport-SDN control plane based on a network orchestrator and an SDN controller can provide dynamic network slicing for enterprisenetworking services and mobile metro-core networks.
 title = {Network orchestration for dynamic network slicing for fixed and mobile vertical services},
 type = {inproceedings},
 year = {2018},
 volume = {Part F84-O},
 id = {a0f32175-21a0-384f-97f1-b149c7cce28e},
 created = {2022-12-27T17:16:47.841Z},
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 group_id = {96023cb7-9d23-3351-86e1-343ad61f24e6},
 last_modified = {2022-12-27T17:16:47.841Z},
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 private_publication = {false},
 abstract = {© OSA 2018. We demonstrate how a hybrid and hierarchical transport-SDN control plane based on a network orchestrator and an SDN controller can provide dynamic network slicing for enterprisenetworking services and mobile metro-core networks.},
 bibtype = {inproceedings},
 author = {Alvizu, R. and Troia, S. and Nguyen, V.M. and Maier, G. and Pattavina, A.},
 doi = {10.1364/OFC.2018.TU3D.15},
 booktitle = {Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}

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