Quality assessment of genetic markers used for therapy stratification. Ambros, I.&nbsp;M., Benard, J., Boavida, M., Bown, N., Caron, H., Combaret, V., Couturier, J., Darnfors, C., Delattre, O., Freeman-Edward, J., Gambini, C., Gross, N., Hattinger, C.&nbsp;M., a&nbsp;Luegmayr, Lunec, J., Martinsson, T., Mazzocco, K., Navarro, S., Noguera, R., ONeill, S., Potschger, U., Rumpler, S., Speleman, F., Tonini, G.&nbsp;P., Valent, A., Roy, N.&nbsp;V., Amann, G., Bernardi, B.&nbsp;D., Kogner, P., Ladenstein, R., Michon, J., a&nbsp;D<nbsp>J<nbsp>Pearson, & Ambros, P.&nbsp;F. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 21(11):2077--84, July, 2003.
Quality assessment of genetic markers used for therapy stratification. [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Therapy stratification based on genetic markers is becoming increasingly important, which makes commitment to the highest possible reliability of the involved markers mandatory. In neuroblastic tumors, amplification of the MYCN gene is an unequivocal marker that indicates aggressive tumor behavior and is consequently used for therapy stratification. To guarantee reliable and standardized quality of genetic features, a quality-assessment study was initiated by the European Neuroblastoma Quality Assessment (ENQUA; connected to International Society of Pediatric Oncology) Group. Materials and
@article{ Ambros2003,
  author = {I M Ambros and J Benard and M Boavida and Nick Bown and H Caron and Valérie Combaret and Jérôme Couturier and C Darnfors and Olivier Delattre and J Freeman-Edward and C Gambini and N Gross and C M Hattinger and a Luegmayr and J Lunec and T Martinsson and K Mazzocco and S Navarro and Rosa Noguera and S ONeill and U Potschger and S Rumpler and Frank Speleman and Gian Paolo Tonini and Alexander Valent and Nadine Van Roy and G Amann and Bruno De Bernardi and P Kogner and Ruth Ladenstein and Jean Michon and a D J Pearson and Peter F Ambros},
  title = {Quality assessment of genetic markers used for therapy stratification.},
  journal = {Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology},
  abstract = {Therapy stratification based on genetic markers is becoming increasingly important, which makes commitment to the highest possible reliability of the involved markers mandatory. In neuroblastic tumors, amplification of the MYCN gene is an unequivocal marker that indicates aggressive tumor behavior and is consequently used for therapy stratification. To guarantee reliable and standardized quality of genetic features, a quality-assessment study was initiated by the European Neuroblastoma Quality Assessment (ENQUA; connected to International Society of Pediatric Oncology) Group. Materials and},
  issn = {0732-183X},
  month = {July},
  pages = {2077--84},
  volume = {21},
  number = {11},
  url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12775732},
  year = {2003}

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