Remarks on diffusive-link synchronization using non-Hilbert logarithmic norms. Aminzare, Z. & Sontag, E. In Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, Dec. 2014, pages 6086-6091, 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
In this paper, we sketch recent results for synchronization in a network of identical ODE models which are diffusively interconnected. In particular, we provide estimates of convergence of the difference in states between components, in the cases of line, complete, and star graphs, and Cartesian products of such graphs.
   AUTHOR       = {Z. Aminzare and E.D. Sontag},
   BOOKTITLE    = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Los Angeles, Dec. 2014},
   TITLE        = {Remarks on diffusive-link synchronization using 
      non-Hilbert logarithmic norms},
   YEAR         = {2014},
   OPTADDRESS   = {},
   OPTEDITOR    = {},
   OPTMONTH     = {},
   OPTNOTE      = {},
   OPTNUMBER    = {},
   PAGES        = {6086-6091},
   OPTSERIES    = {},
   OPTVOLUME    = {},
   KEYWORDS     = {contractions, contractive systems, stability, 
      reaction-diffusion PDE's, synchronization},
   ABSTRACT     = {In this paper, we sketch recent results for 
      synchronization in a network of identical ODE models which are 
      diffusively interconnected. In particular, we provide estimates of 
      convergence of the difference in states between components, in the 
      cases of line, complete, and star graphs, and Cartesian products of 
      such graphs.}

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