Lake water and sediment. and Anthony E. H.&nbsp;Hayes, F.<nbsp>R. Limology and Oceanography, 3(3)(3):299--307, 1958.
Lake water and sediment [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Sixteen lakes are described, varying in geology and all but Iwo of low productivity, and including three acid bog types. A method is described for indirect estimation of the sum of Na and K. In lakes generally, low pH is related to low conductivity, but in these coastal lakes the Na in ocean spray keeps up the conductivity even in very acid waters. At cquilibrium the inorganic P in solution is 2-3 ppb and reprcscnts a residual soluble fraction, independent of productivity and pII. Total P is 10-15 ppb and the concentration is not related to productivity. There is an annual cycle of inorganic I’ with a winter maximum, spring decline, and summer minimum. Methyl orange alkalinity varies dircclly with the sum of Ca and Mg and with either of the ions separately. The scatter in the regression of alkalinity versus Mg is greater than that of alkalinity versus Ca. Them is a reduction of per cent organic material in the sediments directly rclatcd to increasing alkalinity. The cause is attributed to greater bacterial activity as Lhe pI1 goes up.
@article{ hayes_lake_1958,
  title = {Lake water and sediment},
  volume = {3(3)},
  shorttitle = {Lake water and sediment},
  url = {\&btnG=Search\&q=intitle:Lake+Water+and+Sediment#0},
  abstract = {Sixteen lakes are described, varying in geology and all but Iwo of low productivity, and including three acid bog types. A method is described for indirect estimation of the sum of Na and K. In lakes generally, low {pH} is related to low conductivity, but in these coastal lakes the Na in ocean spray keeps up the conductivity even in very acid waters. At cquilibrium the inorganic P in solution is 2-3 ppb and reprcscnts a residual soluble fraction, independent of productivity and {pII}. Total P is 10-15 ppb and the concentration is not related to productivity. There is an annual cycle of inorganic I’ with a winter maximum, spring decline, and summer minimum. Methyl orange alkalinity varies dircclly with the sum of Ca and Mg and with either of the ions separately. The scatter in the regression of alkalinity versus Mg is greater than that of alkalinity versus Ca. Them is a reduction of per cent organic material in the sediments directly rclatcd to increasing alkalinity. The cause is attributed to greater bacterial activity as Lhe {pI}1 goes up.},
  number = {3},
  journal = {Limology and Oceanography},
  author = {Hayes, F. R. {and} Anthony E. H.},
  year = {1958},
  pages = {299--307}

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