Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of herbaceous and woody pre- and post-digested plant material. Anderson, D. M., Fredrickson, E. L., Nachman, P., Estell, R. E., Havstad, K., & Murray, L. W. Animal Feed Science Technology, 1998.
Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra of herbaceous and woody pre- and post-digested plant material [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Filtrate from pre- and post-digested plant material was exposed to 355-nm pulsed laser light and the subsequent laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) was recorded. Similarities and differences among spectra from 20 materials are discussed. Each material was replicated once, dried, ground, and exposed to chloroform (CHC1$_{\textrm{3}}$) for 24 h. The material represented aged (1 to 18 years old) plants from different herbaceous (grasses and forbs) and woody plant life forms. Mean peak fluorescence recorded among materials differed (P \textless 0.0001) in both wavelength and peak amplitude (counts) across the spectral range (387 to 788 nm). Peak fluorescence was evaluated within each of three arbitrary color categories, blue near 455 nm and red near 674 nm, while only 16 of the materials produced a green peak near 528 nm. In general, the blue and green fluorescence peaks were broad while the red peak was narrow. Mean peak counts were largest in the red range. Varying amounts of laser beam absorption occurred among the materials evaluated due to different concentrations of filtrate and different absorption efficiencies; therefore, amplitude data (counts) were not used to determine statistical differences among materials. To overcome difficulties attributed to the raw count data, red/blue, red/green and blue/green count ratios within replicates were calculated. Using all three count ratios in a multivariate analysis of variance, the 16 materials could be separated into nine different (P\textless0.05) material groupings. The LIF technique may provide a reliable means to separate ground pre- and post-digested plant materials following further research into determining what fluorophores are producing the spectral signatures and how sample preparation affect peak wavelengths.

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