Rings and categories of modules. Anderson, F. W. & Fuller, K. R. Volume 13 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, Second edition, 1992.
@book {AF92,
    AUTHOR = {Anderson, Frank W. and Fuller, Kent R.},
     TITLE = {Rings and categories of modules},
    SERIES = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {13},
   EDITION = {Second},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {New York},
      YEAR = {1992},
     PAGES = {x+376},
      ISBN = {0-387-97845-3},
   MRCLASS = {16-01 (16D90 18B99 18E99)},
  MRNUMBER = {94i:16001},

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