Species, weather and habitat: factors influencing detectability and density estimation of tropical rainforest birds. Anderson, A., Marques, T., Shoo, L., & Williams, S.
  author = {A.S. Anderson and T. Marques and L.P. Shoo and S.E. Williams},
  title = {Species, weather and habitat: factors influencing detectability and
	density estimation of tropical rainforest birds.},
  file = {3rd draft:detectability treatment DRAFT_AA_23JUN11.doc:Word;2nd version:detectability treatment DRAFT_AA_03JUN11 TAM.doc:Word;1st version:ASA_detectability_draft2 TAMeditss.doc:Word;1st version appendix:ASA detectability appendices.pdf:PDF;1st version figs:ASA detectability treatment effects figures.pdf:PDF},
  numero = {134},
  owner = {tiago},
  paperprinted = {yes},
  timestamp = {2011.06.22}

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