Joyful Engagement: Montessori's Common Core Standard. Andrews, S. W. NAMTA Journal, 39(2):183–194, 2014.
Joyful Engagement: Montessori's Common Core Standard [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Linking joy and engagement together, Sarah Werner Andrews points out how happiness is a factor of real imaginary work possibilities and not just coercion. Choice and expression of work are central to the child when work is self-motivated but does not always succeed. Practice alongside risk is a factor for all real work, mistakes are important, and a growth mindset justifies making mistakes from time to time. The social, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness contribute to a positive approach for developing the self, and joyful engagement can become the common core for Montessori schools as they guide the child through human development and into the world around us. [This talk was presented at the NAMTA conference titled "Montessori from Birth to Six: In Search of Community Values," Minneapolis, MN, November 7-10, 2013.]

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