Evaluation of natural habitats in Western Balkan range and in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region in relation to sustainable agriculture. Aneva, I. Y., Zhelev, P., & Topchieva, M. K. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 69:169 – 172, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2018. Cited by: 1
Evaluation of natural habitats in Western Balkan range and in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region in relation to sustainable agriculture [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The paper presents results of a comparative study on the habitat diversity and its relationships with agriculture in two regions of Bulgaria-Western Balkan range and the Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region. Substantial part of the land in the two regions is within the protected NATURA 2000 zones. Therefore, both regions offer opportunities for development of sustainable agriculture combined with biodiversity conservation. Total 37 natural habitats of European signifcance (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) were identifed in Western Balkan range and 14 habitats were recorded in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region. All habitats were evaluated regarding the current and possible agricultural land use. © 2018 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
	author = {Aneva, Ina Y. and Zhelev, Peter and Topchieva, Mariya K.},
	title = {Evaluation of natural habitats in Western Balkan range and in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region in relation to sustainable agriculture},
	year = {2018},
	journal = {Acta Zoologica Bulgarica},
	volume = {69},
	pages = {169 – 172},
	url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85047193189&partnerID=40&md5=dbfc1e5e1a5b75ebf8ef5703507912a1},
	affiliations = {Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. G. Bonchev str., Sofa, 1113, Bulgaria; University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., Sofa, 1797, Bulgaria; University of National and World Economy, ul. 8mi dekemvri Studentski kompleks, Sofa, 1700, Bulgaria},
	abstract = {The paper presents results of a comparative study on the habitat diversity and its relationships with agriculture in two regions of Bulgaria-Western Balkan range and the Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region. Substantial part of the land in the two regions is within the protected NATURA 2000 zones. Therefore, both regions offer opportunities for development of sustainable agriculture combined with biodiversity conservation. Total 37 natural habitats of European signifcance (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) were identifed in Western Balkan range and 14 habitats were recorded in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region. All habitats were evaluated regarding the current and possible agricultural land use. © 2018 Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.},
	author_keywords = {Agriculture; Biodiversity; Natura 2000; Rural areas},
	publisher = {Bulgarian Academy of Sciences},
	issn = {03240770},
	language = {English},
	abbrev_source_title = {Acta Zool. Bulg.},
	type = {Conference paper},
	publication_stage = {Final},
	source = {Scopus},
	note = {Cited by: 1}

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