What Would It Take for You to Tell Your Secrets to a Cloud? Studying decision factors when disclosing information to cloud services. Angulo, J., Wästlund, E., & Högberg, J. In Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, of NordSec '14, pages 129--145. Springer, 2014.
	Author = {Angulo, Julio and W{\"a}stlund, Erik and H{\"o}gberg, Johan},
	Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems},
	Date-Added = {2015-04-15 09:55:28 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2015-04-15 09:55:28 +0000},
	Pages = {129--145},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Series = {{NordSec '14}},
	Title = {What Would It Take for You to Tell Your Secrets to a Cloud? Studying decision factors when disclosing information to cloud services},
	Year = {2014}}

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