Human extraction from a sequence of depth images using segmentation and foreground detection. Anh Trinh, L., Duc Thang, N., Tran, H., & Cong Hung, T. In Proceedings of Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT), pages 178-185, 2014.
Human extraction from a sequence of depth images using segmentation and foreground detection [link]Paper  bibtex   
@inproceedings{ dblp1857658,
  title = {Human extraction from a sequence of depth images using segmentation and foreground detection},
  author = {Lan Anh Trinh and Nguyen Duc Thang and Hoang-Hai Tran and Tran Cong Hung},
  author_short = {Anh Trinh, L. and Duc Thang, N. and Tran, H. and Cong Hung, T.},
  bibtype = {inproceedings},
  type = {inproceedings},
  year = {2014},
  key = {dblp1857658},
  id = {dblp1857658},
  biburl = {},
  url = {},
  conference = {SoICT},
  pages = {178-185},
  text = {SoICT 2014:178-185},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT)}

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