Critical dynamics of homogeneous magnetization above Tc in Nd0.77Ba0.23MnO3 single crystals. JETP Letters, 73(7):327-330, 2001. cited By 5
Critical dynamics of homogeneous magnetization above Tc in Nd0.77Ba0.23MnO3 single crystals [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The behavior of the linear and nonlinear dynamic susceptibilities of a Nd0.77Ba0.23MnO3 single crystal is studied with the aim to verify whether sealing theory is applicable for describing the critical phenomena in manganites with cubic symmetry. The experimental results obtained for the exchange temperature region (4πχ ≪ 1) agree well with the theoretical predictions, whereas the appearance of magnetically ordered formations in the paramagnetic phase is presumably due to the orbital ordering. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".

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