Eleanor Creesy Navigates the World’s Fastest Clipper. September, 2014.
Eleanor Creesy Navigates the World’s Fastest Clipper [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Eleanor Creesy became an instant celebrity on Aug. 31, 1851, when the clipper ship she navigated sailed into San Francisco harbor. The Flying Cloud had sailed from New York in less than half the time the voyage usually took. Her husband, Josiah Creesy, was captain of the great clipper, but he knew his wife was […]
	title = {Eleanor {Creesy} {Navigates} the {World}’s {Fastest} {Clipper}},
	url = {http://www.newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/eleanor-creesy-navigates-worlds-fastest-clipper-ship/},
	abstract = {Eleanor Creesy became an instant celebrity on Aug. 31, 1851, when the clipper ship she navigated sailed into San Francisco harbor. The Flying Cloud had sailed from New York in less than half the time the voyage usually took. Her husband, Josiah Creesy, was captain of the great clipper, but he knew his wife was […]},
	language = {en-US},
	urldate = {2020-01-15},
	journal = {New England Historical Society},
	month = sep,
	year = {2014},

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