Episode 5: MVVM & Data Binding with Xamarin.Forms. 00000
Episode 5: MVVM & Data Binding with Xamarin.Forms [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Out of all architectural patterns Model-View-ViewModel, or MVVM, has to be my favorite. MVVM enables developers to separate their business logic from their user interface code no matter if you are de
	title = {Episode 5: {MVVM} \& {Data} {Binding} with {Xamarin}.{Forms}},
	shorttitle = {Episode 5},
	url = {https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/XamarinShow/Introduction-to-MVVM},
	abstract = {Out of all architectural patterns Model-View-ViewModel, or MVVM, has to be my favorite. MVVM enables developers to separate their business logic from their user interface code no matter if you are de},
	journal = {Channel 9},
	note = {00000}

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