Frontdoor - Go from reading list to first draft 10X faster.
Frontdoor - Go from reading list to first draft 10X faster [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Frontdoor is an AI platform for scholars and researchers. Collect papers, articles and videos. Ask questions and get the key takeaways with smart summaries. Start drafting with the help of AI.
	title = {Frontdoor - {Go} from reading list to first draft {10X} faster},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Frontdoor is an AI platform for scholars and researchers. Collect papers, articles and videos. Ask questions and get the key takeaways with smart summaries. Start drafting with the help of AI.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2024-02-01},
	keywords = {❌},

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