GEIA-HB-927 - Implementation Guide for Common Data Schema for Complex Systems. Technical Report GEIA-HB-927, GEIA, US, 2007.
GEIA-HB-927 - Implementation Guide for Common Data Schema for Complex Systems [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
GEIA-STD-927-A specifies the data concepts to be exchanged to share product information pertaining to a complex system from the viewpoints of multiple disciplines. It supports the exchange of data across the entire life cycle for the product from the concept stage through disposal.
	address = {US},
	type = {Standard},
	title = {{GEIA}-{HB}-927 - {Implementation} {Guide} for {Common} {Data} {Schema} for {Complex} {Systems}},
	url = {},
	abstract = {GEIA-STD-927-A specifies the data concepts to be exchanged to share product information pertaining to a complex system from the viewpoints of multiple disciplines. It supports the exchange of data across the entire life cycle for the product from the concept stage through disposal.},
	number = {GEIA-HB-927},
	institution = {GEIA},
	year = {2007},
	keywords = {LSA},

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