Global Wealth Report 2018. October, 2018.
Global Wealth Report 2018 [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Since 2010, the Credit Suisse Research Institute's Global Wealth Report has been the leading reference on global household wealth. It contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date findings on global wealth across the entire wealth spectrum – from the very base of the "wealth pyramid," capturing 3.2 billion adults with wealth below USD 10,000 to those at the apex of the wealth pyramid with USD 1 million or more who comprise less than 1% of the adult population, but own 45% of household wealth. During the 12 months to mid-2018, aggregate global wealth rose by USD 14.0 trillion (4.6%) to a total of USD 317 trillion, outpacing population growth. Wealth per adult grew by 3.2%, raising global mean wealth to a record high of USD 63,100 per adult. While the Global Wealth Report highlights the main features of global wealth holdings in recent years, the Credit Suisse Research Institute's Global Wealth Databook provides a great deal more detail. It presents a considerable quantity of additional data on the level and distribution of household wealth across countries, as well as describing the data sources used in the project and the methodology used to obtain the published results. This level of detail sets it apart from other reports in this field. Research for the Global Wealth Report and Global Wealth Databook has been undertaken on behalf of the Credit Suisse Research Institute by Professors Anthony Shorrocks and Jim Davies, recognized authorities on this topic, assisted by Dr. Rodrigo Lluberas. The Credit Suisse Research Institute is Credit Suisse's in-house think tank. The Institute was established in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis with the objective of studying long-term economic developments, which have – or promise to have – a global impact within and beyond the financial services industry. The Global Wealth Databook provides estimates for the level and distribution of wealth for over 200 countries for the period 2000 to mid-2018. It covers the evolution of household wealth at both the regional and country levels. This year's Databook also presents findings on female wealth holdings, in particular on gender differences with males. Women nowadays account for an estimated 40% of global wealth overall, with most of the rise in their share of wealth having occurred in the 20th century.

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