How Software in the Life Sciences Actually Works (And Doesn’t Work). December, 2022.
How Software in the Life Sciences Actually Works (And Doesn’t Work) [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
By Elliot Hershberg. Published 2022-01-30. Elliot is a PhD student at Stanford University. Before graduate school, he worked on a range of problems in biotechnology. He has helped design cancer vaccines, built computational tools for advancing imaging technologies, and worked as a software engineer on a modern genome browser. Elliot also writes a weekly newsletter called The Century of Biology. Genomics is projected to require up to 110 petabytes (PB) of storage a day within the next decade—for …
	title = {How {Software} in the {Life} {Sciences} {Actually} {Works} ({And} {Doesn}’t {Work})},
	url = {},
	abstract = {By Elliot Hershberg. Published 2022-01-30.
Elliot is a PhD student at Stanford University. Before graduate school, he worked on a range of problems in biotechnology. He has helped design cancer vaccines, built computational tools for advancing imaging technologies, and worked as a software engineer on a modern genome browser. Elliot also writes a weekly newsletter called The Century of Biology.
 Genomics is projected to require up to 110 petabytes (PB) of storage a day within the next decade—for …},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2022-12-31},
	journal = {New Science},
	month = dec,
	year = {2022},

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