How to Create a Syllabus. September, 2018. Section: Advice
How to Create a Syllabus [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
There’s never a bad time to re-examine and rethink how to write your syllabus. This guide walks you through everything you need to know, with specific tips and strategies, to craft an effective syllabus.
	title = {How to {Create} a {Syllabus}},
	url = {},
	abstract = {There’s never a bad time to re-examine and rethink how to write your syllabus. This guide walks you through everything you need to know, with specific tips and strategies, to craft an effective syllabus.},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2021-11-09},
	journal = {The Chronicle of Higher Education},
	month = sep,
	year = {2018},
	note = {Section: Advice},

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