Integrating Sensing and Information Processing in an Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum.
Integrating Sensing and Information Processing in an Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University has completed a full- scale redesign of its underg raduate program based on the theme of Integrated Sensing and Information Processing . This theme provides a coherent, overarching framework that links principles of ECE to each other and to real-world engineering problems. The cornerstone of the new ECE curriculum, Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering , has been designed to provide students with a holistic view of ECE and as a roadmap for the remainder of the curricu lum. Each of four follow- on core courses integrates lateral and vertical connections to other courses through the use of thematic examples. Following the five core courses are seven ECE technical electives that include a theme-based culminating design course. Early and pervasive experiences with open-ended design and project-based learning are primary objectives of the curriculum redesign. Regression analyses of course/instructor evaluation data and descriptions of student design project complexity after the curriculum redesign are presented indicating a positi ve impact of the curriculum redesign on student learning.

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