(Invited) Experiments in Universal Logical Reasoning — How to utilise ATPs and SMT solvers for the exploration of axiom systems for category theory in free logic?. Institut für Theoretische Informatik, LMU München, June, 2018. slides
	Keywords = {presentation, invited presentations},
	OPTAuthor = {Christoph Benzm{\"u}ller},
	Publisher = {Institut für Theoretische Informatik, LMU München},
	Title = {{(Invited)} Experiments in Universal Logical Reasoning --- How to utilise ATPs 
and SMT solvers for the exploration of axiom systems for category theory in free logic?},
	Year = 2018,
	note = {<a href="http://christoph-benzmueller.de/papers/2018-LMU.pdf">slides</a>},
	Month = jun,

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