The Address of the head of state to the people of Kazakhstan - Nyrly Zhol – The Path to the Future. November, 2014.
The Address of the head of state to the people of Kazakhstan - Nyrly Zhol – The Path to the Future [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
On my orders, the Government has completed the development of a new large-scale development programme. Today, as we respond to the challenges we face, I proclaim Kazakhstan’s New Economic Policy “Nyrly Zhol” (The Bright Road). This is what I devote my state-of-the-nation address for 2015. The policy will have a counter-cyclical character and will be aimed at continuing structural reforms in our economy.
@misc{ _address_2014,
  title = {The {Address} of the head of state to the people of {Kazakhstan} - {Nyrly} {Zhol} – {The} {Path} to the {Future}},
  url = {},
  abstract = {On my orders, the Government has completed the development of a new large-scale development programme. Today, as we respond to the challenges we face, I proclaim Kazakhstan’s New Economic Policy “Nyrly Zhol” (The Bright Road). This is what I devote my state-of-the-nation address for 2015. The policy will have a counter-cyclical character and will be aimed at continuing structural reforms in our economy.},
  language = {EN},
  urldate = {2015-02-26TZ},
  journal = {},
  month = {November},
  year = {2014},
  keywords = {Kazakhstan}

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