The nonlinear magnetic properties of the pseudocubic Nd 0.77Ba0.23MnO3 single crystal in the critical paramagnetic region and phase separation. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 94(3):581-592, 2002. cited By 7
The nonlinear magnetic properties of the pseudocubic Nd 0.77Ba0.23MnO3 single crystal in the critical paramagnetic region and phase separation [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
The second magnetization harmonic was studied for a moderately doped Nd0.77Ba0.23MnO3 neodymium manganite single crystal in parallel constant and harmonic magnetic fields in the critical paramagnetic region. According to the neutron and X-ray diffraction data, the crystal was crystallographically single-phase and had a pseudocubic structure both at room temperature and below the Curie point Tc = 124.1 K. Although the specific resistance of this compound had a singularity near T c and exhibited giant magnetoresistance, it remained an insulator in the ferromagnetic state. Nonlinear response measurements in the Tc < T < T* ≈ 146.7 K paramagnetic region were indicative of the existence of two magnetic phases. Above T*, the crystal was magnetically single-phase, and its critical behavior was well described by dynamical similarity theory for isotropic 3D ferromagnets. The unexpected appearance of a new magnetic phase in the structurally homogeneous crystal was discussed based on phase separation ideas; such a phase separation could occur in moderately doped cubic manganites experiencing orbital ordering. © 2002 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".

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