Consonant recognition in noise with temporal cues: II. Effects of temporal envelope enhancement on response times. Apoux, F., Crouzet, O., & Lorenzi, C. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 107(5):2913, 2000. Résumé de Apoux, Crouzet & Lorenzi (2000, ASA)
  author =	     {Apoux, Frédéric and Crouzet, Olivier and Lorenzi, Christian},
  title =	     {Consonant recognition in noise with temporal cues:~II. Effects
                  of temporal envelope enhancement on response times.},
  journal =	     {Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
  year =	     {2000},
  OPTkey =	     {},
  volume =	     {107},
  number =	     {5},
  pages =	     {2913},
  OPTmonth =     {},
  note =	     {R\'esum\'e de Apoux, Crouzet \& Lorenzi (2000, ASA)},
  language =     {english},
  OPTannote =    {}

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