May doctors refuse infertility treatments to gay patients?. Appel & M, J. The Hastings Center report, 36(4):20--21, August, 2006.
@article{ appel_may_2006,
  title = {May doctors refuse infertility treatments to gay patients?},
  volume = {36},
  issn = {0093-0334},
  language = {eng},
  number = {4},
  journal = {The Hastings Center report},
  author = {Appel, Jacob M},
  month = {August},
  year = {2006},
  pmid = {16898357},
  keywords = {California, Conscience, Ethics, Clinical, Ethics, Medical, Female, Fertilization in Vitro, Freedom, Homosexuality, Female, Humans, Infertility, Physician-Patient Relations, Prejudice, Refusal to Treat, Religion and Medicine, United States},
  pages = {20--21}

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