An ‘Old Amharic’ Commentary on the Nicene Creed. Appleyard, D. L. Aethiopica, 6:111--136, 2003.
An ‘Old Amharic’ Commentary on the Nicene Creed [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Translation of a pre-modern Amharic commentary on the Nicene Creed in English. The text of a Commentary on the Nicene Creed ( ṣ älotä haymanot ) which forms the subject of this paper appears at the end of a copy of the Psalter and Wǝddase Maryam belonging to the Ethiopian church at Däbrä Gännät in Jerusalem [MS JE 48 E = MS Dabra Gannat 186]. The text was copied and circulated privately by the late Roger Cowley, who also records that material similar in outline but different in detail is contained in the andǝmta -commentary on the Anaphora of the Nicene Fathers.
	title = {An ‘{Old} {Amharic}’ {Commentary} on the {Nicene} {Creed}},
	volume = {6},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Translation of a pre-modern Amharic commentary on the Nicene Creed in English. The text of a Commentary on the Nicene Creed ( ṣ  älotä haymanot ) which forms the subject of this paper appears at the end of a copy of the Psalter and Wǝddase Maryam belonging to the Ethiopian church at Däbrä Gännät in Jerusalem [MS JE 48 E = MS Dabra Gannat 186]. The text was copied and circulated privately by the late Roger Cowley, who also records that material similar in outline but different in detail is contained in the  andǝmta -commentary on the Anaphora of the Nicene Fathers.},
	journal = {Aethiopica},
	author = {Appleyard, David L.},
	year = {2003},
	keywords = {Amharic, Andǝmta, Christianity, Manuscripts, Nicene Creed, ṣälotä haymanot},
	pages = {111--136}

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