On the constructive notion of closure maps. Ardeshir, M. & Ramezanian, R. MLQ Math. Log. Q., 58(4-5):348–355, 2012.
On the constructive notion of closure maps [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
  author = {Ardeshir, Mohammad and Ramezanian, Rasoul},
  title = {On the constructive notion of closure maps},
  journal = {MLQ Math. Log. Q.},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {58},
  pages = {348--355},
  number = {4-5},
  doi = {10.1002/malq.201110040},
  fjournal = {MLQ. Mathematical Logic Quarterly},
  issn = {0942-5616},
  keywords = {bib,con},
  mrclass = {03F60 (03B30)},
  mrnumber = {2965422},
  mrreviewer = {Hiroki Takamura},
  owner = {Vasco},
  timestamp = {2013.12.01},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/malq.201110040}

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