The effects of verbally redundant information on student learning: An instance of reverse redundancy. Ari, F., Flores, R., Inan, F. A., Cheon, J., Crooks, S. M., Paniukov, D., & Kurucay, M. Computers & Education, 76:199 - 204, 2014.
  Title                    = {The effects of verbally redundant information on student learning: An instance of reverse redundancy},
  Author                   = {F. Ari and R. Flores and F. A. Inan and J. Cheon and S. M. Crooks and D. Paniukov and M. Kurucay},
  Journal                  = cae,
  Year                     = {2014},
  Pages                    = {199 - 204},
  Volume                   = {76}

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