Abies Pinsapo - Version 2014.3. Arista, A., Alaoui, M. L., Knees, S., & Gardner, M. In The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, pages 42295/0+.
Abies Pinsapo - Version 2014.3 [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
[Excerpt] Abies pinsapo has a very limited distribution and a restricted habitat in small areas of Spain and Morocco. The total extent of occurrence (EOO) has been estimated to be 3,727 km², while the area of occupancy (AOO) is considerably less than 500 km². The number of locations is five and there is a decline in the quality of habitat in significant parts of its range. In Morocco, deforestation and forest degradation are regionally significant factors whereas in Spain, the decline is linked to\textasciitilde fungal and insect pathogens combined with the effects of recent droughts and long term fire suppression. This species is therefore listed as Endangered. [::Common Name(s)] [::]English - Spanish Fir [::]Spanish - Pinsapo [::Taxonomic Notes] Abies pinsapo has two varieties, one in Morocco and the typical variety in southeastern Spain. The Moroccan variety is sometimes treated as a distinct species (Abies marocana). A third taxon, Abies tazaotana from Mt Tazaot in Morocco is generally regarded as conspecific with Abies pinsapo var. marocana. [::Range Description] Abies pinsapo occurs in two discrete and disjunct areas in southeastern Spain and in the Rif Mountains of Morocco. These are separated by the Straits of Gibralter and a distance of about 135 km. In Spain the typical variety has an EOO of 940 km2 with an actual AOO of 28.7 km2. In Morocco, A. pinsapo var. marocana has an estimated extent of occurrence of 75 km² with an estimated area of occupancy of 28 km². There are a total of five locations. Using standard IUCN methodology, the overall EOO is estimated to be 3,727 km2 rather than 1,015 km2. A significant proportion of the EOO is represented either by the Mediterranean Sea or other unsuitable habitat such as coastal plains. The estimated AOO is considerably less than 500 km2. [::Countries] Native:Morocco; Spain [::Population] There are currently no accurate figures for the total number of mature individuals over the full extent of its range. The Moroccan subpopulation is considerably smaller than the Spanish subpopulation. Recent genetic studies (Terrab et al. 2007) have indicated\textasciitilde that the Spanish and Moroccan varieties have been isolated for considerable periods of time and that there is little, if any, gene flow between them. [::Habitat and Ecology] In Morocco Abies pinsapo occurs in the Mediterranean humid bioclimatic zone. The average annual rainfall is 1,500 mm, increasing to 1,900 mm at an altitude of 1,700 m. Stands are typically found on north facing dolomitic limestone slopes of mountain ridges. The optimal altitudinal range is between 1,400 and 1,800 m, where it forms mixed forests with a range of oaks and maples. Between 1,800 and 2,000 m Abies occurs with Cedrus atlantica, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster. Above 2,000 m the mountain summits are typically dominated by shrubby xerophytic species. In southeastern Spain Abies pinsapo occurs on dolomitic soils in the Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves but on serpentine soils in the Sierra Bermeja. Forests occur at altitudes between 900 and 1,600 m asl. Above 1,100 m its forms dense, pure forests, but below this altitude trees occur in mixed communities with a range of oaks and pines. More detailed information is given in the assessment for each\textasciitilde variety. [::Major Threat(s)] In Spain the major threat is fire. Other threats include pests and diseases which are more apparent during drought years when forests are more stressed.\textasciitilde During the last decade (1990s) a regional warming trend and a decrease in precipitation has been observed. These changes have been associated with increasing mortality of trees at elevations below 1,100m (Linares 2009). In Morocco, fire is also a major threat. Deforestation and habitat degradation associated with cannabis cultivation in the areas surrounding the fir stands are additional threats. More detailed information is given in the assessment for each\textasciitilde variety.
  title = {Abies Pinsapo - {{Version}} 2014.3},
  booktitle = {The {{IUCN Red List}} of {{Threatened Species}}},
  author = {Arista, A. and Alaoui, M. L. and Knees, S. and Gardner, M.},
  date = {2011},
  pages = {42295/0+},
  url = {http://mfkp.org/INRMM/article/13496238___to-archive},
  abstract = {[Excerpt] Abies pinsapo has a very limited distribution and a restricted habitat in small areas of Spain and Morocco. The total extent of occurrence (EOO) has been estimated to be 3,727 km², while the area of occupancy (AOO) is considerably less than 500 km². The number of locations is five and there is a decline in the quality of habitat in significant parts of its range. In Morocco, deforestation and forest degradation are regionally significant factors whereas in Spain, the decline is linked to\textasciitilde{} fungal and insect pathogens combined with the effects of recent droughts and long term fire suppression. This species is therefore listed as Endangered.

[::Common Name(s)] 

[::]English - Spanish Fir

[::]Spanish - Pinsapo

[::Taxonomic Notes] Abies pinsapo has two varieties, one in Morocco and the typical variety in southeastern Spain. The Moroccan variety is sometimes treated as a distinct species (Abies marocana). A third taxon, Abies tazaotana from Mt Tazaot in Morocco is generally regarded as conspecific with Abies pinsapo var. marocana. 

[::Range Description] Abies pinsapo occurs in two discrete and disjunct areas in southeastern Spain and in the Rif Mountains of Morocco. These are separated by the Straits of Gibralter and a distance of about 135 km. In Spain the typical variety has an EOO of 940 km2 with an actual AOO of 28.7 km2. In Morocco, A. pinsapo var. marocana has an estimated extent of occurrence of 75 km² with an estimated area of occupancy of 28 km². There are a total of five locations. Using standard IUCN methodology, the overall EOO is estimated to be 3,727 km2 rather than 1,015 km2. A significant proportion of the EOO is represented either by the Mediterranean Sea or other unsuitable habitat such as coastal plains. The estimated AOO is considerably less than 500 km2.

[::Countries] Native:Morocco; Spain

[::Population]  There are currently no accurate figures for the total number of mature individuals over the full extent of its range. The Moroccan subpopulation is considerably smaller than the Spanish subpopulation. Recent genetic studies (Terrab et al. 2007) have indicated\textasciitilde{} that the Spanish and Moroccan varieties have been isolated for considerable periods of time and that there is little, if any, gene flow between them.

[::Habitat and Ecology]  In Morocco Abies pinsapo occurs in the Mediterranean humid bioclimatic zone. The average annual rainfall is 1,500 mm, increasing to 1,900 mm at an altitude of 1,700 m. Stands are typically found on north facing dolomitic limestone slopes of mountain ridges. The optimal altitudinal range is between 1,400 and 1,800 m, where it forms mixed forests with a range of oaks and maples. Between 1,800 and 2,000 m Abies occurs with Cedrus atlantica, Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster. Above 2,000 m the mountain summits are typically dominated by shrubby xerophytic species. In southeastern Spain Abies pinsapo occurs on dolomitic soils in the Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves but on serpentine soils in the Sierra Bermeja. Forests occur at altitudes between 900 and 1,600 m asl. Above 1,100 m its forms dense, pure forests, but below this altitude trees occur in mixed communities with a range of oaks and pines. More detailed information is given in the assessment for each\textasciitilde{} variety.

[::Major Threat(s)]  In Spain the major threat is fire. Other threats include pests and diseases which are more apparent during drought years when forests are more stressed.\textasciitilde{} During the last decade (1990s) a regional warming trend and a decrease in precipitation has been observed. These changes have been associated with increasing mortality of trees at elevations below 1,100m (Linares 2009). In Morocco, fire is also a major threat. Deforestation and habitat degradation associated with cannabis cultivation in the areas surrounding the fir stands are additional threats. More detailed information is given in the assessment for each\textasciitilde{} variety.},
  keywords = {*imported-from-citeulike-INRMM,~INRMM-MiD:c-13496238,abies-pinsapo,conservation,ecology,forest-resources,iucn,iucn-endangered-en}

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