Potential effects of synthetic sea salts on toxicity tests where copper is a concern. Arnold, W. R., Cotsifas, J. S., Winter, A. R., Klinck, J. S., Smith, D. S., & Playle, R. Environ. Chem. Tox., 26:935�943, 2007.
doi  bibtex   
	author = {Arnold, W. R. and Cotsifas, J. S. and Winter, A. R. and Klinck, J. S. and Smith, D. S. and Playle, R.C.},
	doi = {10.1897/06-215R1.1},
	journal = {Environ. Chem. Tox.},
	owner = {ssmith},
	pages = {935�943},
	timestamp = {2008.05.08},
	title = {{Potential effects of synthetic sea salts on toxicity tests where copper is a concern}},
	volume = {26},
	year = {2007}

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