A hybrid NSGA-II and VNS for solving a bi-objective no-wait flexible flowshop scheduling problem. Asefi, H., Jolai, F., Rabiee, M., & Araghi, M. E. T. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 75(5-8):1017--1033, November, 2014.
  author = {H. Asefi and F. Jolai and M. Rabiee and M. E. Tayebi Araghi},
  title = {{A hybrid NSGA-II and VNS for solving a bi-objective no-wait flexible flowshop scheduling problem}},
  journal = {International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology}, 
  volume = {75},
  number = {5-8},
  pages = {1017--1033},
  month = {November},
  year = {2014}

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