The Matter Simulation (R)evolution. Aspuru-Guzik, A., Lindh, R., & Reiher, M. November, 2017.
The Matter Simulation (R)evolution [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
To date, the program for the development of methods and models for atomistic and continuum simulation directed toward chemicals and materials has reached an incredible degree of sophistication and maturity. Currently, one can witness an increasingly rapid emergence of advances in computing, artificial intelligence, and robotics. This drives us to consider the future of computer simulation of matter from the molecular to the human length and time scales in a radical way that deliberately dares to go beyond the foreseeable next steps in any given discipline. This perspective article presents a view on this future development that we believe is likely to become a reality during our lifetime.
	title = {The {Matter} {Simulation} ({R})evolution},
	url = {},
	abstract = {To date, the program for the development of methods and models for atomistic and continuum simulation directed toward chemicals and materials has reached an incredible degree of sophistication and maturity. Currently, one can witness an increasingly rapid emergence of advances in computing, artificial intelligence, and robotics. This drives us to consider the future of computer simulation of matter from the molecular to the human length and time scales in a radical way that deliberately dares to go beyond the foreseeable next steps in any given discipline. This perspective article presents a view on this future development that we believe is likely to become a reality during our lifetime.},
	author = {Aspuru-Guzik, Alan and Lindh, Roland and Reiher, Markus},
	month = nov,
	year = {2017},
	doi = {10.26434/chemrxiv.5616115.v1},
	keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Computational Chemistry, Grand Challenges, Machine Learning, Materials Science, Perspective, Quantum Computing, Quantum Information, Quantum Simulation, Robotics, Theoretical chemistry, Turing Test},

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