Ice age sea level change on a dynamic earth. Austermann, J., Mitrovica, J., X., Latychev, K., Rovere, A., & Moucha, R. In AGU Fall Meeting 2014, 2014.
 title = {Ice age sea level change on a dynamic earth},
 type = {inProceedings},
 year = {2014},
 id = {24862c2f-b661-3e88-8e0a-8bccad86de66},
 created = {2014-12-20T00:29:23.000Z},
 file_attached = {false},
 profile_id = {58d47d98-a4f4-3ac1-a79d-2d252a797376},
 last_modified = {2016-01-22T21:15:36.000Z},
 tags = {PLIOMAX,SLCC},
 read = {false},
 starred = {false},
 authored = {true},
 confirmed = {true},
 hidden = {false},
 citation_key = {Austermann2014},
 bibtype = {inProceedings},
 author = {Austermann, Jacqueline and Mitrovica, Jerry X. and Latychev, Konstantin and Rovere, Alessio and Moucha, Robert},
 booktitle = {AGU Fall Meeting 2014}

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