TITLE. AUTHOR, A. Publication, Volume(Create Collection Edit Collection Delete Collection Library Trash Tags More Refresh Subscribe to this feed Create Item Add to Collection Remove from Collection Move to Trash Remove from Trash Edit Library Settings Cite Export test Item Type Title test , Single Field Remove Add Abstract test Publication Volume Issue):Pages, November, 2014. Extra
TITLE [xls]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
@article{ author_title_2014,
  series = {Series},
  title = {{TITLE}},
  volume = {Volume},
  copyright = {Rights},
  issn = {{ISSN}},
  shorttitle = {Short Title},
  url = {http://www.acc.teithe.gr/erp/IDBE_Application_Form.xls},
  doi = {DOI},
  abstract = {test123456},
  language = {Language},
  number = {  Create Collection Edit Collection Delete Collection      Library     Trash  Tags  More Refresh Subscribe to this feed Create Item Add to Collection Remove from Collection Move to Trash Remove from Trash Edit Library Settings Cite Export test Item Type 	 Title 	test 	 , Single Field Remove Add Abstract 	test Publication 	 Volume 	 Issue},
  journal = {Publication},
  author = {AUTHOR, AUTHOR},
  month = {November},
  year = {2014},
  note = {Extra},
  keywords = {Tags},
  pages = {Pages}

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