Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Peroxidic Antimalarials Based On Artemisinin. Avery, M., Alvim-Gaston, M., & Woolfrey, J. Adv.~Med.~Chem., 4:125--217, 1999.
	Author = {Avery, M.A. and Alvim-Gaston, Maria and Woolfrey, J.R.},
	Date-Added = {2007-12-11 17:01:03 -0500},
	Date-Modified = {2008-04-28 16:37:16 -0400},
	Journal = {Adv.~Med.~Chem.},
	Keywords = {malaria; experiment},
	Owner = {rajarshi},
	Pages = {125--217},
	Timestamp = {2007.04.11},
	Title = {Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Peroxidic Antimalarials Based On Artemisinin},
	Volume = {4},
	Year = {1999}}

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