Efficient communication scheduling in clustered WSN. Avril, F., Bernard, T., & Bui, A. In ISCC, pages 1-6, 2014. IEEE.
Efficient communication scheduling in clustered WSN. [link]Link  Efficient communication scheduling in clustered WSN. [link]Paper  bibtex   
@inproceedings{ conf/iscc/AvrilBB14,
  added-at = {2015-01-15T00:00:00.000+0100},
  author = {Avril, Francois and Bernard, Thibault and Bui, Alain},
  biburl = {http://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29864711438432307330b6b7ead205931/dblp},
  booktitle = {ISCC},
  crossref = {conf/iscc/2014},
  ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISCC.2014.6912639},
  interhash = {bd6cf8bf245f78d27a70d4ad6013f16c},
  intrahash = {9864711438432307330b6b7ead205931},
  keywords = {dblp},
  pages = {1-6},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title = {Efficient communication scheduling in clustered WSN.},
  url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/iscc/iscc2014.html#AvrilBB14},
  year = {2014}

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