A Complete Resistive-Open Defect Analysis for Thermally Assisted Switching MRAMs. Azevedo, J., Virazel, A., Bosio, A., Dilillo, L., Girard, P., Todri-Sanial, A., Alvarez-Herault, J., & Mackay, K. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. (TVLSI), 22(11):2326-2335, 2014.
A Complete Resistive-Open Defect Analysis for Thermally Assisted Switching MRAMs [link]Paper  bibtex   
@article{ dblp1700917,
  title = {A Complete Resistive-Open Defect Analysis for Thermally Assisted Switching MRAMs},
  author = {Joao Azevedo and Arnaud Virazel and Alberto Bosio and Luigi Dilillo and Patrick Girard and Aida Todri-Sanial and Jérémy Alvarez-Herault and Ken Mackay},
  author_short = {Azevedo, J. and Virazel, A. and Bosio, A. and Dilillo, L. and Girard, P. and Todri-Sanial, A. and Alvarez-Herault, J. and Mackay, K.},
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  journal = {IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. (TVLSI)},
  pages = {2326-2335},
  number = {11},
  volume = {22},
  text = {IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. (TVLSI) 22(11):2326-2335 (2014)}

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