Model-Based Static and Runtime Verification for Ethereum Smart Contracts. Azzopardi, S., Colombo, C., & Pace, G. In Hammoudi, S., Pires, L., & Selić, B., editors, Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, pages 323–348, Cham, 2021. Springer International Publishing.
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Distributed ledger technologies, e.g. blockchains, are an innovative solution to the problem of trust between different parties. Smart contracts, programs executing on these ledgers present new challenges given their non-traditional execution context – blockchains. The immutability of smart contracts once they are deployed makes their pre-deployment correctness essential. This can be achieved through verification methods, which attempt to answer conclusively whether the code respects some specification. Another approach is model-driven development, where the specification is used directly to create a correct-by-const-ruction implementation. A specification may however still need to be verified to ensure it satisfies some properties. Verifying properties pre-deployment is ideal, however it may not always be possible to do completely, depending on the complexity of the smart contract. Traditionally upon failure of a verification attempt the only option is to attempt a different verification method. Recent approaches instead enable the transformation of the verification problem into a smaller problem, reducing the load of subsequent verification attempts. We have previously proposed an automata-theoretic approach to reason systematically about this kind of residual analysis for (co-)safety properties, while we have implemented an intraprocedural data-flow approach for Java programs. In this paper we extend our approach for Solidity smart contracts, present a corresponding tool, evaluate the approach with several new case studies, and compare it with existing approaches.
	author="Azzopardi, Shaun
	and Colombo, Christian
	and Pace, Gordon",
	editor="Hammoudi, Slimane
	and Pires, Lu{\'i}s Ferreira
	and Seli{\'{c}}, Bran",
	title="Model-Based Static and Runtime Verification for Ethereum Smart Contracts",
	booktitle="Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development",
	publisher="Springer International Publishing",
	abstract="Distributed ledger technologies, e.g. blockchains, are an innovative solution to the problem of trust between different parties. Smart contracts, programs executing on these ledgers present new challenges given their non-traditional execution context -- blockchains. The immutability of smart contracts once they are deployed makes their pre-deployment correctness essential. This can be achieved through verification methods, which attempt to answer conclusively whether the code respects some specification. Another approach is model-driven development, where the specification is used directly to create a correct-by-const-ruction implementation. A specification may however still need to be verified to ensure it satisfies some properties. Verifying properties pre-deployment is ideal, however it may not always be possible to do completely, depending on the complexity of the smart contract. Traditionally upon failure of a verification attempt the only option is to attempt a different verification method. Recent approaches instead enable the transformation of the verification problem into a smaller problem, reducing the load of subsequent verification attempts. We have previously proposed an automata-theoretic approach to reason systematically about this kind of residual analysis for (co-)safety properties, while we have implemented an intraprocedural data-flow approach for Java programs. In this paper we extend our approach for Solidity smart contracts, present a corresponding tool, evaluate the approach with several new case studies, and compare it with existing approaches.",

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