Red noise versus planetary interpretations in the microlensing event ogle-2013-BLG-446. Bachelet, E., Bramich, D., Han, C., Greenhill, J., Street, R., Gould, A., D'Ago, G., Alsubai, K., Dominik, M., Jaimes, R., Horne, K., Hundertmark, M., Kains, N., Snodgrass, C., Steele, I., Tsapras, Y., Albrow, M., Batista, V., Beaulieu, J., Bennett, D., Brillant, S., Caldwell, J., Cassan, A., Cole, A., Coutures, C., Dieters, S., Prester, D., Donatowicz, J., Fouqué, P., Hill, K., Marquette, J., Menzies, J., Pere, C., Ranc, C., Wambsganss, J., Warren, D., Almeida, L., Choi, J., Depoy, D., Dong, S., Hung, L., Hwang, K., Jablonski, F., Jung, Y., Kaspi, S., Klein, N., Lee, C., Maoz, D., Muñoz, J., Nataf, D., Park, H., Pogge, R., Polishook, D., Shin, I., Shporer, A., Yee, J., Abe, F., Bhattacharya, A., Bond, I., Botzler, C., Freeman, M., Fukui, A., Itow, Y., Koshimoto, N., Ling, C., Masuda, K., Matsubara, Y., Muraki, Y., Ohnishi, K., Philpott, L., Rattenbury, N., Saito, T., Sullivan, D., Sumi, T., Suzuki, D., Tristram, P., Yonehara, A., Bozza, V., Calchi Novati, S., Ciceri, S., Galianni, P., Gu, S., Harpsøe, K., Hinse, T., Jørgensen, U., Juncher, D., Korhonen, H., Mancini, L., Melchiorre, C., Popovas, A., Postiglione, A., Rabus, M., Rahvar, S., Schmidt, R., Scarpetta, G., Skottfelt, J., Southworth, J., Stabile, A., Surdej, J., Wang, X., & Wertz, O. Astrophysical Journal, 2015.
Red noise versus planetary interpretations in the microlensing event ogle-2013-BLG-446 [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
author={Bachelet, E. and Bramich, D.M. and Han, C. and Greenhill, J. and Street, R.A. and Gould, A. and D'Ago, G. and Alsubai, K. and Dominik, M. and Jaimes, R.F. and Horne, K. and Hundertmark, M. and Kains, N. and Snodgrass, C. and Steele, I.A. and Tsapras, Y. and Albrow, M.D. and Batista, V. and Beaulieu, J.-P. and Bennett, D.P. and Brillant, S. and Caldwell, J.A.R. and Cassan, A. and Cole, A. and Coutures, C. and Dieters, S. and Prester, D.D. and Donatowicz, J. and Fouqué, P. and Hill, K. and Marquette, J.-B. and Menzies, J. and Pere, C. and Ranc, C. and Wambsganss, J. and Warren, D. and Almeida, L.A.D. and Choi, J.-Y. and Depoy, D.L. and Dong, S. and Hung, L.-W. and Hwang, K.-H. and Jablonski, F. and Jung, Y.K. and Kaspi, S. and Klein, N. and Lee, C.-U. and Maoz, D. and Muñoz, J.A. and Nataf, D. and Park, H. and Pogge, R.W. and Polishook, D. and Shin, I.-G. and Shporer, A. and Yee, J.C. and Abe, F. and Bhattacharya, A. and Bond, I.A. and Botzler, C.S. and Freeman, M. and Fukui, A. and Itow, Y. and Koshimoto, N. and Ling, C.H. and Masuda, K. and Matsubara, Y. and Muraki, Y. and Ohnishi, K. and Philpott, L.C. and Rattenbury, N. and Saito, T. and Sullivan, D.J. and Sumi, T. and Suzuki, D. and Tristram, P.J. and Yonehara, A. and Bozza, V. and Calchi Novati, S. and Ciceri, S. and Galianni, P. and Gu, S.-H. and Harpsøe, K. and Hinse, T.C. and Jørgensen, U.G. and Juncher, D. and Korhonen, H. and Mancini, L. and Melchiorre, C. and Popovas, A. and Postiglione, A. and Rabus, M. and Rahvar, S. and Schmidt, R.W. and Scarpetta, G. and Skottfelt, J. and Southworth, J. and Stabile, A. and Surdej, J. and Wang, X.-B. and Wertz, O.},
title={Red noise versus planetary interpretations in the microlensing event ogle-2013-BLG-446},
journal={Astrophysical Journal},

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