High-order adaptive time-domain solution of nonlinear coupled electromagnetic-thermal problems. Badics, Z., Ionescu, B., & Cendes, Z. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40(2):1274–1277, IEEE, March, 2004.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
An adaptive time-integration algorithm is described for the solution of nonlinear one-way coupled electromagnetic-thermal problems. The thermal excitations are time-varying thermal loads or/and EM (electromagnetic) loss distributions due to dc or ac excitation sequences. The equations are discretized in time by an implicit Runge-Kutta one-step method. No Newton iteration is required in a time step; only one linear equation with multiple right hand sides has to be solved. High-order integration is achieved by incorporating the Jacobian into the time-integration formula. The thermal analysis of an induction hardening problem and an insulated gate bipolar transistor test module is presented to illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm.
@Article{         Badics_2004aa,
  abstract      = { An adaptive time-integration algorithm is described for the solution of nonlinear one-way coupled electromagnetic-thermal problems. The thermal excitations are time-varying thermal loads or/and EM (electromagnetic) loss distributions due to dc or ac excitation sequences. The equations are discretized in time by an implicit Runge-Kutta one-step method. No Newton iteration is required in a time step; only one linear equation with multiple right hand sides has to be solved. High-order integration is achieved by incorporating the Jacobian into the time-integration formula. The thermal analysis of an induction hardening problem and an insulated gate bipolar transistor test module is presented to illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm.},
  author        = {Badics, Z. and Ionescu, B. and Cendes, Z.J.},
  doi           = {10.1109/TMAG.2004.824733},
  file          = {Badics_2004aa.pdf},
  issn          = {0018-9464},
  journal       = {IEEE Transactions on Magnetics},
  keywords      = {high-order,time-domain,time-integration,field,coupling,runge-kutta},
  langid        = {english},
  month         = mar,
  number        = {2},
  pages         = {1274--1277},
  publisher     = {IEEE},
  title         = {High-order adaptive time-domain solution of nonlinear coupled electromagnetic-thermal problems},
  volume        = {40},
  year          = {2004},
  shortjournal  = {IEEE Trans. Magn.}

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