Experiments on behavioral coordinated control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle manipulator system. Baizid, K., Giglio, G., Pierri, F., Trujillo, M., Antonelli, G., Caccavale, F., Viguria, A., Chiaverini, S., & Ollero, A. 2015. cited By 22
Experiments on behavioral coordinated control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle manipulator system [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
@Conference{	  baizid20154680,
  author	= {Baizid, K. and Giglio, G. and Pierri, F. and Trujillo,
		  M.A. and Antonelli, G. and Caccavale, F. and Viguria, A.
		  and Chiaverini, S. and Ollero, A.},
  title		= {Experiments on behavioral coordinated control of an
		  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle manipulator system},
  journal	= {Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics
		  and Automation},
  year		= {2015},
  volume	= {2015-June},
  number	= {June},
  pages		= {4680-4685},
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