Gas and aerosol carbon in California: comparison of measurements and model predictions in Pasadena and Bakersfield. Baker, K., R., Carlton, a., G., Kleindienst, T., E., Offenberg, J., H., Beaver, M., R., Gentner, D., R., Goldstein, a., H., Hayes, P., L., Jimenez, J., L., Gilman, J., B., de Gouw, J., a., Woody, M., C., Pye, H., O., T., Kelly, J., T., Lewandowski, M., Jaoui, M., Stevens, P., S., Brune, W., H., Lin, Y., Rubitschun, C., L., & Surratt, J., D. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(9):5243-5258, 2015.
Gas and aerosol carbon in California: comparison of measurements and model predictions in Pasadena and Bakersfield [pdf]Paper  Gas and aerosol carbon in California: comparison of measurements and model predictions in Pasadena and Bakersfield [link]Website  bibtex   

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