Late Chalcolithic burials and funerary rituals. Balossi Restelli, F. & Erdal, Y. S. In Arslantepe Period VII. The development of a ceremonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium BCE (Late Calcolithic 3-4), of Arslantepe. Scavi e ricerche ad Arslantepe-Malatya, pages 225–258. Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, 2019.
	address = {Roma},
	series = {Arslantepe. {Scavi} e ricerche ad {Arslantepe}-{Malatya}},
	title = {Late {Chalcolithic} burials and funerary rituals},
	isbn = {978-88-313-4111-0},
	number = {2},
	booktitle = {Arslantepe {Period} {VII}. {The} development of a ceremonial/political centre in the first half of the fourth millennium {BCE} ({Late} {Calcolithic} 3-4)},
	publisher = {Sapienza Università di Roma},
	author = {Balossi Restelli, Francesca and Erdal, Yılmaz Selim},
	editor = {Frangipane, Marcella},
	year = {2019},
	keywords = {Ilaria},
	pages = {225--258},

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