Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios. Banerjee, D., Dürst, M. J., McKenna, M., Phillips, A. P., Suzuki, T., Texin, T., Trumble, M., Vine, A., & Noji, K. World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-ws-i18n-scenarios-20040730, July, 2004.
abstract   bibtex   
This document describes internationalization usage patterns and scenarios for Web services. It also provides guidance for implementers of Web service technologies, suggesting methods for dealing with general international interoperability issues in services and service descriptions. One goal of this document is to provide a template for Web service designers to implement international capabilities in their services.
@misc{ wsi18nscen,
  author = {Debasish Banerjee and Martin J. Dürst and Mike McKenna and Addison P. Phillips and Takao Suzuki and Tex Texin and Mary Trumble and Andrea Vine and Kentaroh Noji},
  title = {Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios},
  howpublished = {World Wide Web Consortium, Note NOTE-ws-i18n-scenarios-20040730},
  month = {July},
  year = {2004},
  topic = {i18n[0.9]},
  uri = {http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-ws-i18n-scenarios-20040730},
  abstract = {This document describes internationalization usage patterns and scenarios for Web services. It also provides guidance for implementers of Web service technologies, suggesting methods for dealing with general international interoperability issues in services and service descriptions. One goal of this document is to provide a template for Web service designers to implement international capabilities in their services.}

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