Lift-and-Round to Improve Weighted Completion Time on Unrelated Machines. Bansal, N., Srinivasan, A., & Svensson, O. arXiv:1511.07826 [cs], November, 2015. arXiv: 1511.07826
Lift-and-Round to Improve Weighted Completion Time on Unrelated Machines [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated machines so as to minimize the sum of weighted completion times. Our main result is a \$(3/2-c)\$-approximation algorithm for some fixed \$c{\textgreater}0\$, improving upon the long-standing bound of 3/2 (independently due to Skutella, Journal of the ACM, 2001, and Sethuraman & Squillante, SODA, 1999). To do this, we first introduce a new lift-and-project based SDP relaxation for the problem. This is necessary as the previous convex programming relaxations have an integrality gap of \$3/2\$. Second, we give a new general bipartite-rounding procedure that produces an assignment with certain strong negative correlation properties.
	title = {Lift-and-{Round} to {Improve} {Weighted} {Completion} {Time} on {Unrelated} {Machines}},
	url = {},
	abstract = {We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on unrelated machines so as to minimize the sum of weighted completion times. Our main result is a \$(3/2-c)\$-approximation algorithm for some fixed \$c{\textgreater}0\$, improving upon the long-standing bound of 3/2 (independently due to Skutella, Journal of the ACM, 2001, and Sethuraman \& Squillante, SODA, 1999). To do this, we first introduce a new lift-and-project based SDP relaxation for the problem. This is necessary as the previous convex programming relaxations have an integrality gap of \$3/2\$. Second, we give a new general bipartite-rounding procedure that produces an assignment with certain strong negative correlation properties.},
	urldate = {2016-03-20TZ},
	journal = {arXiv:1511.07826 [cs]},
	author = {Bansal, Nikhil and Srinivasan, Aravind and Svensson, Ola},
	month = nov,
	year = {2015},
	note = {arXiv: 1511.07826},
	keywords = {Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms}

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