Circuit element synthesis and optimization. Bantas, S., Karouzakis, K., Stefanou, S., Liapis, A., Kokkalas, L., Nikellis, K., & Lourandakis, E. May~12, 2015. US Patent App. 14/710,320
  author        = {Bantas, Sotirios and Karouzakis, Konstantinos and Stefanou, Stefanos and Liapis, Apostolos and Kokkalas, Labros and Nikellis, Konstantinos and Lourandakis, Errikos},
  title         = {Circuit element synthesis and optimization},
  month         = may #{~12},
  year          = {2015},
  note          = {US Patent App. 14/710,320},
  __markedentry = {[lourandakis:6]},
  publisher     = {Google Patents},

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