Towards a dynamic model of the Arabidopsis meristem. Barbier de Reuille, P., Traas, J., & Godin, C. In 4. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, of FSPM04, Montpellier, France, June, 2004. Diffusion du document : UMR AMAP
Towards a dynamic model of the Arabidopsis meristem [link]Paper  bibtex   
  TITLE = {{Towards a dynamic model of the Arabidopsis meristem}},
  AUTHOR = {Barbier de Reuille, Pierre and Traas, Jan and Godin, Christophe},
  URL = {},
  NOTE = {Diffusion du document : UMR AMAP},
  BOOKTITLE = {{4. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models}},
  ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France},
  SERIES = {FSPM04},
  YEAR = {2004},
  MONTH = Jun,
  HAL_ID = {hal-02759711},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},

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