Hijacked brains: the experience and science of chronic addiction. Barnes, H. N. Dartmouth College Press, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2015.


The author explains how the brain works and what happens if a person is addicted to using drugs. She explains the science behind the function of brain when using drugs. She also mentions that American culture blames the addict for bad choices instead of looking at different factors that can contribute to this.

	address = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
	title = {Hijacked brains: the experience and science of chronic addiction},
	isbn = {978-1-61168-674-6 978-1-61168-675-3},
	shorttitle = {Hijacked brains},
	publisher = {Dartmouth College Press},
	author = {Barnes, Henrietta N.},
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {Mental Health, Substance use, Addiction},
	bibbase_note = { <h4 style="content: 'A'; display: block;"> Annotation </h4>Barnes, H. N. (2015). Hijacked brains: The experience and science of chronic addiction. Dartmouth College Press.

	bibbase_note = { <h4 style="content: 'A'; display: block;"> Annotation </h4>Learning to use -- Science of addiction -- The sting of stigma -- Risk and resilience -- Recovery : owning the treatment and the outcomes -- Drugs for drugs},
	bibbase_note = { <h4 style="content: 'A'; display: block;"> Annotation </h4>The author explains how the brain works and what happens if a person is addicted to using drugs. She explains the science behind the function of brain when using drugs. She also mentions that American culture blames the addict for bad choices instead of looking at different factors that can contribute to this. 

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