Montessori and Music: Rhythmic Activities for Young Children. Barnett, E. B. Shocken, New York, 1973.
	address = {New York},
	title = {Montessori and {Music}: {Rhythmic} {Activities} for {Young} {Children}},
	publisher = {Shocken},
	author = {Barnett, Elise Braun},
	year = {1973},
	annote = {Choice to join:
"Music is best introduced during the morning. When children are still "working," but the teacher or adult feels that a "change of atmosphere" would be welcome, she clears part of the room, goes to the piano, and starts to play. Some children will interrupt whatever they are doing and joyfully move to the music; others, more cautious, will watch for a while before joining; other may just remain "hearers."  There is no urging by anyone to join.  Dr. Montessori's attitude to formal group-teaching was expressed most clearly one day: she attended a dancing class for small children and remarked, "This reminds me of canaries in a cage." p vii.},
	annote = {Dr. Montessori's Personality
Elise Barnett who worked with Dr. Montessori in Vienna from 1924 until Montessori's death in 1952, wrote:
"Dr. Montessori's genius was her absolute openness and attentiveness to whatever was before her, her ability to understand and analyze phenomena, and then to find ways to apply this understanding in her own creative way, with love for the child as her guiding principle"
	annote = {Music in 3 - 6
"Hearing music ... is the necessary preparation for making music, and therefore daily "concerts" are an integral part of the Montessori program" p. vii.
"Encourage singing and other spontaneous expressions" p viii.

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