RNA silencing in plants. Baulcombe, D. Nature, 431(7006):356-363, 2004.
abstract   bibtex   
There are at least three RNA silencing pathways for silencing specific genes in plants. In these pathways, silencing signals can be amplified and transmitted between cells, and may even be self-regulated by feedback mechanisms. Diverse biological roles of these pathways have been established, including defence against viruses, regulation of gene expression and the condensation of chromatin into heterochromatin. We are now in a good position to investigate the full extent of this functional diversity in genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of genome control. [Journal Article, Review, Review, Tutorial; 87 Refs; In English; England]
 title = {RNA silencing in plants},
 type = {article},
 year = {2004},
 pages = {356-363},
 volume = {431},
 websites = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WVB-4DBK1VR-322/2/5e79ff87ba16980b22397af534193219},
 id = {ffff7bf1-c870-3d57-9794-a56b7428471b},
 created = {2012-01-04T21:04:39.000Z},
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 profile_id = {1a467167-0a41-3583-a6a3-034c31031332},
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 last_modified = {2015-03-05T16:02:56.000Z},
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 source_type = {Journal Article},
 abstract = {There are at least three RNA silencing pathways for silencing specific genes in plants. In these pathways, silencing signals can be amplified and transmitted between cells, and may even be self-regulated by feedback mechanisms. Diverse biological roles of these pathways have been established, including defence against viruses, regulation of gene expression and the condensation of chromatin into heterochromatin. We are now in a good position to investigate the full extent of this functional diversity in genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of genome control. [Journal Article, Review, Review, Tutorial; 87 Refs; In English; England]},
 bibtype = {article},
 author = {Baulcombe, David},
 journal = {Nature},
 number = {7006}

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